
Overcoming Challenges of JCI Accreditation in a Multi-Specialty Hospital

The Joint Commission International (JCI) accreditation is a globally recognized standard for healthcare quality and patient safety...

Danat Al Emarat Hospital

In line Danat Al Emarat Hospital’s mission to adapt to the rapid changes in the healthcare industry...

Digitizing Healthcare – The FUH Model

Healthcare technologies are going through a revolutionary transformation in past few years...

JCIA says ‘’Patient experience is much beyond patient satisfaction survey’’

The new standard in the 7th Ed Hospital manual requiring hospitals to measures, analyzes...

Digitalization Made it Easy

As covid travel restrictions continued and the fluid nature of COVID-19 in general, JCI...

Many Why’s of a failing Root Cause Analysis in Healthcare

Healthcare professionals regularly come across a situation of ‘incident investigation’ in their workplace...

OPPE -On-going professional practice Evaluation - latest accreditation update

As Healthcare institutes are striving to create a successful quality and patient safety environment along with multifaceted...

Harm or No Harm?

Harm or No Harm? Dealing with clinical adverse events is an essential medical liability for policy makers...

Optimizing Business Process; Healthcare beyond COVID-19

Optimizing Business Process; Healthcare beyond COVID-19 Consumer technologies are going through a revolutionary...

Medical staff privilege – getting complicated??

Medical staff privilege – getting complicated?? Medical staff privileging is a process whereby a specific scope and content of patient...

COVID-19: Accredited hospitals responding efficiently

In the ongoing evolutionary struggle between humans and microorganisms, microorganisms...

Incident investigation is not an Interrogationy

Are you a quality professional working in a Healthcare setting? Have you ever wondered...

Offboarding- a nightmare?

Organizations are better equipped than ever to receive new hire employees, onboard them...